Your Personal 10/10 Movies list
It's just as the title says. What is your personal 10/10 list? Movies you consider to be perfect or near flawless? My list only has 3 at the top of my mind.Children of Men (2006)- This movie never fails to hook me no matter how many times I watch it. The pacing, the acting, cinematography, and soundtrack are so amazing to me.Blade Runner 2049 (2017)- The visuals are breathtaking. The writing for the movie and its characters is solid all around.Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)- Never has a movie taken me on such an emotional roller-coaster. Only piece of media to make me cry twice. Top that with excellent writing, soundtrack, choreography, and visuals.EDIT: It's been great seeing everyone's answers (plus future ones). Pretty great seeing how many of us feel similarly about some movies. It's also great seeing some I never would have guessed/heard of. Thank you all for your answers. I'll be posting a brief Dollars trilogy review in the coming weeks. via /r/movies
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