What was the first movie to ever truly disturb you that wasn't a horror movie?

I'll go first.Mine was Saving Private Ryan. I was 10 or 11 I think and saw my dad watching it. But he immediately shooed me out of the living room and told me to go away and not look. My immediate thought was "How bad could it be? I saw the Matrix already!". Which was true. The Matrix was my first R rated movie ever, and I loved it. Well one day, when I was off from school in the summer, I saw Saving Private Ryan was free on On Demand, but my parents put in a parental lock which I managed to guess what it was and get past.Those first 10 minutes of that movie really rocked me to my core. Not because of the violence, mind you. But because I knew it was real. It really happened. People did that to each other.I had nightmares for a good while after that. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/JWOsLic
