Rogue One is easily the best post-Disney Star Wars film

I was revisiting the sequels/stand alone films and found myself being surprised how different Rogue One felt to the rest. It does start off a bit slow and clunky but once it picks up the pace it's quite engaging and I found myself just absorbed into the film.Gorgeous cinematography, easily the best Vader since the original trilogy and there's just this...passion for the characters, they felt human and blind Donnie Yen was a treat. The droid was funnier than I remember and I found myself quite moved by the whole thing.The beaches and palm trees was a nice change of scenery for the big battle and I just thought "They really could make these films so beautiful"I've been disappointed in Star Wars since TLJ but alas I'll enjoy this film for what it is.I actually haven't watched Andor yet, that'll be next. via /r/movies


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