In Pixar's Incredibles, the entire movie uses every other synonym except the word "Incredible"?
Did anyone else notice that in Pixar's Incredibles, the entire movie uses every other synonym except the word "Incredible"?I noticed throughout the whole movie that they used every single word except Incredible to describe something. They only use "Incredible" when talking about Mr. Incredible.There are several scenes where they bait the word 'Incredible' only to use another word:Scene with the kid on the bike when Mr. Incredible comes back from his job at the Insurance company:What are you waiting for?I don't know.Something amazing, I guess.When Mr. Incredible lies to his wife about going to a conferenceYou see? They're finally recognizing your talents.You're moving up.Yes.Honey! This is wonderful!When they land in the city with vanIs everybody okay back there?Super-duper, Dad!There's a few more situations like these, I noticed an inordinate amount of scenes where a synonym like 'amazing', 'great', 'wonderful', 'super-duper' were being used that sounded like a script being playful by avoiding the word "Incredible".I'm sure it's not a big deal but thought it was pretty incredible via /r/movies
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