Time Travel Movies Where the Future Cannot be Changed
According to time travel fiction there are three types of time travel:*In which things can be changed and the traveler can and should change everything.*In which the traveler appears in another dimension in which it doesn't matter what he does because everything can be different.*In which no matter how much the traveler tries to change things, what has to happen always ends up happening and nothing can be changed.Usually in the cinema the first version is used, which is the one that allows the most suspense to be used, will our hero be able to save the world, get the girl, change his life? So today I want us to discuss stories where the hero can't change things, like:12 Monkeys (1995)Triangle (2009)Coherence (2013)Nobody is Crazy (2019)Timecrimes (2007)Primer (2004)Tenet (2020)Predestination (2014)Actually they're not all exactly "time travel movies", but somehow there is a time travel, if you know what I mean.I particularly like 12 Monkeys a lot, and Primer seems crap to me.Do you know any more? What do you think of these? via /r/movies https://ift.tt/pRkSytP
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