If you could be a film producer, what known IP, book , or show that hasn't been made yet, would you want to attain for a film? Who would you get to star? Direct?

I have always wanted to see the Mad magazine comic strip Spy vs. Spy be made into a movie. I'd have Robert Rodriguez direct it in a similar style to his Sin City; black and white with flashes of color in that pulpy comic book technique. You could set up different scenarios, for instance, competing for the same payout while trying to rid the competition. Meanwhile I'd have each subsequent sequel be a different pairing. Examples; Brad Pitt vs. Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio vs Tobey Maguire, Matt Damon vs Ben Affleck, Dan Stevens vs Joaquin Phoenix. I like the idea of a universally liked actor against a great actor who may have had some real world antics. The real life buddies makes an interesting dynamic for me! The white suit spy could be played like a boy scout who is admired, fawned over, and has a sparkle in his smile, while the black suit spy could be avoidable, anti-hero type, played with with vice and abandonment. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/avCjkrl


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