Did something happen to r/movies recently? Has it changed?

I've been subbed to this reddit for almost as long as I've had an account (12 years). Something I always enjoyed was how only the trailers/posters or legitimate news got colossal amounts of upvotes. It was fun seeing that stuff skyrocket to the top cause it was new and interesting and caused conversation.But anyone who's been around for even a couple years knows that a lot of the best discussions and questions and insights take place down in the lower pages that never quite make it to the top. There were legitimate fascinating questions and takes and opinions, and those posts would net maybe a couple hundred karma at most. And that was great because if I saw a post with 500 upvotes I truly knew something special was happening in there.But as of the last week or so I've noticed almost every bloody thread is boring as absolute fuck. Every post has close to a thousand or more upvotes and they're all the generic, thoughtless questions you find over in r/askreddit.So, what happened?? Are we being flooded with bots that want to upvote unnecessary questions that's been asked a thousand times like, "what villain is actually the hero?" Or "what hero is actually the villain?" Or God-for-fucking-bid "what villain do you actually agree with?"In short, what's happened to this sub? It used to be a place of discussion about movies. Not a r/askmoviesreddit companion. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/Ml9Wni7


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