How much love is there for The movie The ‘Burbs?

Oh man is this a good movie! It’s one of my favorite Tom Hanks movies, and he is really funny in it. The performances from Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern, Rick Ducommun (RIP), Corey Feldman, and Henry Gibson are so good, and Joe Dante did a great job directing this horror/comedy!I saw The ‘Burbs in theaters way back in 1989 and I remember it being kind of a box office dud. That didn’t matter to me because I would always rent the movie from Blockbuster and bring it over to my friends house to watch it and they loved it!This was also peak Corey Feldman which I always have a soft spot for because I really like him and the characters he played.I have always felt that this movie flies under the radar, but I feel once someone watches it they love it.What do you think? via /r/movies


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