Rewatched Signs (2002) and forgot just how great it is
I think popular culture made me really only remember the ending which was, by all means terrible and lacked well, logic. But the other 95 percent was just great filmmaking. The takes are long, every shot is composed with such care, and you can really see all the film influences from scene to scene. And what I truly forgot was just how much of a dark comedy it is. I was constantly laughing. It works so well because it pairs with the truly heartbreaking story of what the family is going through. The casting was just perfect.Honestly I think it could have been fixed simply by taking out the aliens attacking the whole world bit (so you can get rid of the stupid weakness) and just have the phenomenon happening to the family. It would make for a story more akin to Pans Labyrith, and you could focus of whether or not this Alien thing was a result of the family going through a tragic incident. But that's just me and honestly still enjoyed the film. via /r/movies
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