Midsommar (2019) had me gaping at the end.
By one point, you get caught off guard with an effective moment of shock value. It's graphic, but in an effective way that doesn't rely on having the gore just be in-your-face. It's brief, but sticks with you, and it works.Later, you'll question yourself and your existence over what on God's green Earth it is you're watching. You are simply dumbfounded and awestruck.By the end you will be completly speechless beyond the capacity of rational thought. You believe the movie can't top its bizarre, yet beautiful WTF imagery. Your jaw drops. Mouth wide open.That was me. That was little me watching Midsommar for the first time. It was very good. A phenomenal lead performance by Florence Pugh, solid direction, stunning camera work, and unsettling music make up Midsommar, which does a dark twist and turn on the Swedish tradition.But the last 20 minutes topped the preceeding 2 hours. Everything foreshadowed and set up was given. In a glorious way that is indescribable. I am still trying to process it. Because it’s too hard to do.I would recommend Midsommar, but a rewatch? That would be hard. It's great, but hard to stomach. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3GnO9UR
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