Holy mother of god

Theater etiquette is dead. I haven’t been to a movie in theaters in the last two years where someone hasn’t carried on a side conversation and/or gotten on their phones during the movie.My local theater is re-showing the LOTR trilogy across three days this week, the extended editions no less. I’m two movies in and on each occasion there were multiple people checking their phones throughout the ENTIRE movie, and there were groups of people that couldn’t stop moving around to talk to each other - one group was even texting on their phones and then HOLDING THEIR PHONES UP to show each other the messages.Sweet baby Jesus, did you not pay to come see this? I did, everyone else here did, I assume you did… how are you okay with this? What’s wrong with you? Who raised you? Typing this out I feel like a grumpy old man but I’m not even 30! What in the actual hell is wrong with people. Just stay home if you’re not going to pay attention! via /r/movies https://ift.tt/xwhbkKn


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