It's amazing how little Warner Brothers managed to do with the DCEU in the same timeframe as Marvel did with the MCU.

The first Iron Man was released in 2008. Almost exactly four years to the day, The Avengers came out. Inbetween we got Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America. These all introduced new characters who we were excited to see team up when The Avengers came out.Man of Steel released in 2013. Then nothing until 2016, when we got the much-reviled Batman v Superman and the similarly-reviled Suicide Squad. 2017 we got Wonder Woman, which was actually surprisingly good. Then came Justice League in the same year.So in roughly the same amount of time, leading up to their big team up, DC made four movies to Marvel's five.We can only assume they felt the need to rush the Batman v Superman story line in some sort of weird attempt to compete with Civil War, which itself had been preceded by twelve movies. It was a clumsy attempt to introduce Batman and, in a laughably shoehorned way, Wonder Woman, while "foreshadowing" Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman. Instead of taking advantage of the fact that Batman didn't really need an origin movie, they made this disaster of a sequel that was really just a Superman movie with Batman as a side character barely as important as War Machine in IM2.Then came Suicide Squad, which may or may not have been another copycat attempt where they tried to capitalize on the sort of noble rogue hype that Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) had stirred up...two years later. Despite introducing a slew of characters to the universe, not a single one actually shows up in Justice League. It contributes nothing to this stage of the DCEU to the point where I almost want to say DC really only made three movies before Justice League. Brief appearances by Flash and Batman didn't contribute anything. The mid-credits scene was basically just a rehash of the scene from BvS. Just amazingly lazy stuff.Wonder Woman was good. It filled a similar role as Captain America, providing some historical backstory for the events we were going to see unfold in the team up.It would be like if Marvel had only made Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Captain America, and an Inhumans movie before trying to make the jump to the team up. Setting aside the failures to execute the movies, the lack of cohesion and forethought is just astounding. Marvel showed them how it was done, and yet somehow they managed to bungle the whole thing and make it feel incredibly rushed on a timeline that was actually 5 months longer.Sorry if this comes off like a bit of a rant. I just watched Birds of Prey and I'm in a bit of a foul mood over the whole thing. While I've always preferred Marvel, I still love DC and it's infuriating what kind of a cool EU we could have seen out of it and there's just...a steaming pile. via /r/movies


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