Bram Stokers Dracula: The movie is such a confounding piece of art

Does anybody have an experience with this movie?I massively admire Francis Ford Coppolla and Gary Oldman, and was drawn to the movie for their contribution. The movie is such a mixed bag of brilliant imagery, great cinematography, Gary Oldmans titillating performance, the old school special effects and the music. But the movie comes off as schlocky and I found myself laughing out loud at the overeexualised dialogue delivery and conversations. I realize that this stems from the book, but watching it on screen makes it sound and look so comical.I especially admire how Coppola fired the CGI team and trusted his own son to do the brilliant silent film style special effects. The screens, and manual effects are so beautifully done, they surpass any image that a computer would have produced.I recognize that Coppolla was trying to create a drama out of a literary horror character That is what I love about Coppolla, is that he is unpredictable.Let me know if anyone else felt the same or differently. via /r/movies


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