Crank: High Voltage is the ultimate anti-film

I sat down and watched Crack: High Voltage with a friend of mine today. I just want to say...I will defend this film to death. It is not good-bad, it is fuck you I'll cum on your face, I don't give a shit! In seriousness tho, I haven't seen it in years and it is still one of my favorite action movies and theater experiences to date. I don't mean that in an ironic way either. The editing is chaotically rambunctious without sacrificing clarity, the soundtrack bumps like a coked-up DJ in a strip club, the acting is like Mel Brooks directed a Michael Bay movie, the shots are all practical while performing the best stunts in the movie, the humor is as subtle as a porno version of Arrested Development, the set pieces, the violence, the sound design, honestly there is no weak part of this film. It is a marvel of digital filmmaking. If you watch any behind the scenes then you will understand what I'm saying.They filmed on the streets without much planning, with small crews, and in very unconventional manners while using as many archaic insane ways to get the shots they needed. Convince me there is a difference between this movie and a French New Wave film beyond tone and more concentration on story. They both were adamantly against the normal way of producing films. I mean, the movie literally ends with the main character flicking off the audience and laughing at them. I just don't think there is a movie like Crank: High Voltage, it defies it's own existence and is proud to be every inch that it is. It is masterfully made by people who cared so much about the product and had fun making every moment of it. I don't think we will ever get another film like this again. So I raise my glass to you Crank: High Voltage, for showing that art can be drunkingly pissed on above the dive bar urinal as much as it can hang in the Louvre. Fuck You Chelios! via /r/movies


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