PSA: "Annihilation" IS NOT coming to Streaming in the US / Canada or China in a few weeks

In every thread about "Annihilation" I've seen on r/movies over the past week or so I see the common misconception that the film is coming to Netflix Worldwide in the beginning of March...THIS IS NOT TRUE. It never was happening at any point in time.The Netflix release is ONLY for countries outside of the US / Canada / China - we're getting a theatrical release only for the foreseeable future. This is usually even stated in the articles that start the threads...but you know, people don't read.This movie was meant to be seen on the big screen - lay off the "I'll wait till its on Netflix in a few weeks" attitude if you are in one of the stated countries...cause you'll be sorely dissapointed when it never happens. via /r/movies


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