Dutch: The forgotten John Hughes Thanksgiving movie

With Thanksgiving coming up, millions of people will be watching the Thanksgiving classic(and arguably the best John Hughes movie) Planes, Trains and Automobiles. But what about his other Thanksgiving movie?Dutch, which came out in 1991 stars Ed O’ Neil and Ethan Embry is a road trip movie where Dutch Dooley(O’Neil) tries to get his girlfriends son home for Thanksgiving. The usual highjinks occur.While definitely not as good as Planes, it has some good moments and O’Neil and Embry both have good chemistry, but the movie is completely forgotten. You can’t stream it and the DVD is long out of print with no rerelease planned. But if you can find it, give it a watch this year. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/yGg1jFD


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