It’s been years since I’ve seen it, but every once in a while I’ll still just stop whatever I’m doing and mutter “fuck Die Hard 5 was bad” to myself.

You can say whatever you want about Die Hard 4, but it was still fundamentally a die hard movie. Maybe they censored it. Maybe it got a bit ridiculous with the plot and stunts. But it was still a story of a man against impossible odds doing unlikely heroic things and playing by his own rules. It had a memorable villain, and it stood out with its own flavor.Die Hard 5 is none of those things. It’s a weird short story stretched into an entire film, and it tastes like concrete and dirt. Nothing interesting really happens, there are no memorable or interesting characters, and it’s just an exercise in boredom for the poor viewer.I really loved those first four films.Fuck die hard 5 was bad. via /r/movies


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