I wish that musician biopics would really showcase who the artist was... warts and all.

Alright, so I just watched Elvis, and while I was very excited about the movie, I was worried that it would ignore all of Elvis' flaws. Unfortunately, it did just what I hoped that it wouldn't...Before I get into negativity, I want to say that Austin Butler was phenomenal in the role. I was shocked at how much he looked, sounded, sang, and danced like Elvis. He did an excellent job.Luhrmann went with a more fairytale approach to the Elvis biopic. Elvis was a good kid who got swept up by his comically evil manager, leading his life to ruin. I get that some aspects of the truth need to be stretched to provide entertainment, but a lot was glossed over.Nothing wrong that happened was ever Elvis' fault. Womanizing? It was because Elvis wanted to reciprocate the love of his fans. Drugs? They were all fed to him by his manager. Neglecting his family? The Colonel had him essentially locked up.What really bothered me the most was how they portrayed his relationship with Priscilla. She was 14 when they first met, and they aged her up because it would have been creepy otherwise. And it was creepy. I would have liked to see more of their relationship, and how things like his constant cheating affected her.They threw all of the negativity onto the manager, leaving the movie with someone who was essentially a moustache twirly Bond villain, and a tragic hero with Elvis.I think there was a lot of missed potential here. I would have loved for them to show that Elvis was flawed. Further showcasing his internal struggle and the bad decisions he made would have made the final meeting with Priscilla and his daughter much more impactful.Anyways, that's just my 2 cents. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/wqBX3Gg


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