Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
After playing Shredder's Revenge with my buddy yesterday and getting a fat dose of nostalgia, I was moved to watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the first time in a thousand years. This movie has no right to be as good as it is. It's a gritty adaptation of a comic book/toy/cartoon franchise about four turtles and a rat that became sentient humanoids after touching some green shit...AND IT WORKS! I'm sorry, but this movie delegitimizes the vast majority of modern, CGI-rendered characters. I don't care that I'm watching guys in suits with absurdly limited emotive capabliilties because everything else about this movie is believable.Everyone should watch this movie. It's a truly unique film that manages to be fun and lighthearted while having legit emotonal depth with fucking talking turtles. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/JzBd2WG
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