I watched “The Cell” after more than a decade and don’t understand all the negative reviews.

I watched it in theaters and enjoyed it. I found it disturbing, but well made. The critics were harsh on this film and watching it now, I think it was maybe ahead of its time.Sure, I wasn’t too impressed by some of the acting - especially by Vince Vaughan, but I thought that Jennifer Lopez did really well and Vincent D'Onofrio was amazing in it. The visuals were stunning, but something tells me that maybe the content was too disturbing for the time in which the film came out.I felt that Carl, the serial killer, was incredibly frightening and the story was very creative. Watching it now, I still think that the film holds up to really nightmarish scenarios - especially Carl’s childhood - and that in itself is enough to really show how much trauma a person can sustain before becoming unhinged.But what do you guys think about it now? via /r/movies https://ift.tt/dsc7ZIK


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