Suggestions for movies that show POSITIVE masculinity?

Hey y’all I’m trying to compile a list of movies that have characters which demonstrate positive masculinity, some help plz? Esp movies meant more for adult audiences. They don’t have to be positively masculine for the whole thing, but at least one character should end up that way by the end. Here are some that I have so far: - Won’t you be my neighbor? - Brother bear - Scott pilgrim vs the world - The Addams family - American Ham - Mad max fury road - Billy Elliot - The iron giant - Steven universe movie - Lilo and stitchHere are some descriptive words that encompass my idea of positive masculinity that is by no means universal or standard that I came up with. Open to input on all counts:Humility Self-awarenessSelf confidenceRespect for othersLeadershipStrength (though not necessarily physical)Emotional intelligence KindnessGentilityConscience/moralityOpenness/vulnerabilityBonus points if they show platonic physical affection via /r/movies


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