Forgot how dark and scary the original jumanji was for a kids film.

Did a jumanji marathon with the kids. Forgot how creepy and dark the original was.First of all it plays much more like a horror film in the beginning. It honestly feels like a goosebumps or are you afraid of the dark episode in the beginning. They did a good job of teasing you with the game before really letting loose.It also features:*Dead parents *A more realistic depiction of a person trapped in a jungle in isolation for 20 years. * a little girl dying from poison * body horror elements with the boy turning into a monkey.Most of all there is a real sense of danger. Everything in the new films are played for laughs, i enjoyed how marginally serious the original takes it self. The kids were far more on the edge of their seats for the action sequences in the original.Some of the jokes in the newer films make them easier to watch as an adult but it made me hope they still make live action kid movies as dark at that. via /r/movies
