Terminator 2 is the best sequel ever made

Yes I have seen Empire Strikes Back, yes I have seen Godfather Part 2, but T2 has to be the best sequel ever made, its just so good that James Cameron makes making a sequel to an already classic movie look easy.The way Cameron effortlessly switches genres is astounding, The Terminator felt more like a slasher movie while T2 is a full blown action movie, and the transition is seamless, it is some of the best action I have ever seen, the stunt work is just so good looking, the action in Terminator 2 even rivals the action of movies made today, its that good.The effects still hold really well, the future war scene still looks astounding, the way it transitions from miniatures to rear screen projection is just seamless, the T-1000 still looks absolutely amazing, its one of the best uses of CGI. right up there with Jurassic Park, the chip scene in the special edition is the best example, its amazing how they pulled it off, Linda Hamilton, Eddie Furlong, and an Arnold animatronic on one side of the wall, and the real Arnold, and Linda Hamilton's twin sister on the other, its special effects magic.The T-1000 is easily the best villian of the series, while the T-800 is bulletproof, the T-1000 can regenerate, the T-800 can sound like another person, but the T-1000 can take on their form entirely, Cameron took the T-800 from the first movie which took an entire movie to kill and made it the underdog, Robert Patrick's performance is iconic, the way he never blinks and tilts his head slightly when never he hurts/kills someone makes him seem more robotic, he was even more threatening than Arnold in the first movie.The soundtrack by Brad Feidal is easily the best of the franchise, the entire score is just epic, most notably during the chase scenes, the entire soundtrack is just oozing with tension, the T-1000 theme is just so creepy that whenever you hear it it sounds chills down you spine.IMO the special edition is the definiative version of the movie, the chip scene is just so good it perplexes me why it was cut, the dream with Kyle Reese I think adds an extra layer of character to Sarah, and the scenes with the T-1000 glitching I thought were really cool.If you have not seen T2 you need to watch it NOW, IMO this and Aliens are 2 of the greatest sequels ever made. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3ukCwJg
